Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Nigeria to sell & buy oil directly

Nigeria will start selling and buying oil and gasoline directly to cut out middlemen and curb graft, the new managers of the Nigerian National Petroleum Corp. announced Tuesday night.
The major policy shift fits new President Muhammadu Buhari's plan to halt corruption endemic in the industry in Africa's biggest oil producer. The previous administration of President Goodluck Jonathan had ignored warnings from Central Bank Governor Lamido Sanusi that some $20 billion in oil sales over three years was missing from federal coffers, and instead fired Sanusi.
Nigeria produces 2 million barrels of crude a day, according to
the corporation's website. Nigerians consume about 9 million liters (2.4 million gallons) of gas daily, almost all imported because local refineries are inefficient. One barrel of crude produces about 30 gallons of diesel or fuel. (s:

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