With every Technological Innovation and Advancement, there are potential hazardous consequences which may not be visible or measurable at the fore front until something goes wrong. This is just the case in our blessed resourceful lands in the Niger Delta where oil spills have not only marred the vegetations but also the rivers that serve as drinking water, fishing, and other great benefits to the affected communities. Colour of water bodies have turned BLACK and aquatic animals dying from oil pollution. Fish farmers continually raising alarm over these great concerns as it affects their business and family income.
Recently, some communities in Rivers have been filing complains about their water table been contaminated with crude oil. Bore hole waters are no longer suitable for domestic use in these affected regions. Globally, oil spills have resulted to marine disasters than we can ever imagine. Flora and Fauna in coral reefs also affected greatly. Temperature variations in the water due to climate change are also affecting the lives of all aquatic organisms.
Now the big question; What do we do to help these affected communities?
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